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The Nazi Endlösung tried to push out the Jews, before it started killing them off.

Just like we have been seeing Israel do in Gaza, since this artificial state was given the excuse to do so on October 7 by Hamas (an organization that is on the Israeli pay list, according to EU's top diplomat Josep Borrell).

But the Jews had nowhere to go.

Nor do the Palestinians stuck in Gaza.

The Shoah consisted of both direct killing and of forcing Jews (and Gipsies and homosexuals) to die in fenced off camps.

Just like we see Israel do in Gaza.

The Third Reich wanted to extend its Lebensraum by invading its neighbours.

So does Israel, with the settlers on The West Bank as their storm troopers clad in medieval hippie clothings and communal living.

The Nazis considered Jews (and Gipsies and homosexuals) inferior beings that had to live apart in ghettoes like the one in Warsaw, awaiting extinction.

So does the Israeli apartheid state with the Other.

And Hamas must be wiped off the face of the Earth before the massacre on civilians may stop, says Netanyahu, whilst the West keeps talking about Israel's right to self-defense.

As if new resistance under new names will not rise from the ashes. As if Israel is not itself creating an enourmous thirst for vengeance.

And as if the world has forgotten that the historical massacres in Shabra and Shatila were made possible by the expulsion (and buying off?) of the PLO soldiers that could have protected the refugees in those camps.

Nie wieder. Let's stop the murderous madness.

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