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The migration conundrum III:


Oh, but only the extremists are that hard on those with the wrong religion, wrong skin colour and wrong birth place or simply the wrong parents, say you? Well, gli Meloni's Italian Brotherhood is a member of Europe's neat right, innit.

And what good does it do to isolate and bully the extreme right, if even the ruling Danish socialists compete on finding extreme "solutions"?

Like sending asylum seekers to rot in Rwanda, to only mention one of the copy-cat methods the incompetent Danish authorities present as their own.

How about, instead, we cordon off the extreme solutions and keep the supposedly extremists in the room without sneering at them?

As it happens, the extreme right are at times the only ones to call out the elephant in the room: state-run child-snatching in Denmark, chauvinism in Catalonia, terrorist offspring and lacking victim protection in the Basque Country. I for one don't want those debates cordoned off.

It is not the extreme right we need to turn our back on: it is on the inhumane and racist solutions to migration that have long ago become normalized, whilst we pretend the extremists are others.

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